Why I Started Arrows and Aprons

I am, first and foremost, a sinner saved by grace: by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone. Although the gift of salvation itself is more than I could ever deserve, the Lord has also blessed me with a husband and four little boys, ages 6, 5, 3, and 1. I spend my days homeschooling our boys and attempting to channel their vast amounts of energy into productive activities, as well as wrangling our dog, growing a jungle of a garden, and keeping our kitchen flowing with homemade food.

Over the years, I have benefited from the wisdom of many Christian women on how to be a godly wife and mother, as well as various advice on the practical matters of creating a welcoming home, preparing food that blesses those I serve, and stewarding finances to the glory of God. This blog is borne in part out of a conviction to bless other women as I have been blessed. My plan is to share things that will encourage women to value their God-given role, and to provide tips and tricks to make their work more enjoyable and rewarding. My homemaking passions include: good food, staying organized, keeping the kiddos entertained, DIY decorating, and doing it all for cheap (or free!). Along the way, I plan to throw in a few reviews of books that have blessed and motivated me to godly mothering and living.

By no means do I think I have godly womanhood totally figured out, but I know the value of shared wisdom and learning from others’ experiences. I pray that this blog will be a blessing to you, and an encouragement to “do your work heartily, as for the Lord” (Colossians 3:23)!